Non-life Insurance

Comprehensive Residential Fire Insurance
Protects you from financial loss from property damage as a result of fire, lightning, earthquake, typhoon, flood and others. The coverage is extended to cover third party liability, personal accident coverage for family members and household help.

Comprehensive Motor Vehicle Insurance
Provides protection for your vehicle from losses due to accidents, fire and lightning, theft and Acts of Nature. The coverage is also extended to cover passenger insurance and third party liability insurance.

Travel Insurance
Protects yourself from sudden or unforeseen events while traveling such as flight cancellations, lost passport, lost baggage, medical emergencies and accidents.

Personal Accident Insurance
This covers medical expenses, benefits as a result of accidental disablement, loss of hearing and more. This also provides benefits to your loved ones in the event of your untimely accidental death.

Group Personal Accident Insurance
This is a personal accident insurance for a group of individuals like group of employees, members of cooperatives, group of students, etc.

Money, Securities & Payroll Robbery
Provides protection against robberies, hold-ups and burglaries resulting to loss of money and securities.

Comprehensive General Liability Insurance
This ensures your business is protected against claim by third parties for injury, death or damage to their properties as a result of incidents attributable to your fault or because of your negligence in connection with the conduct of your business.

Property or Equipment Floater Insurance
This covers any property or equipment necessary for a business and are necessary to be transported from one location to another in order to continue the operation of the business. Physical loss or damage to these equipment or property resulting from sudden and unforeseen events including Acts of Nature are covered under this policy.

Marine Cargo Insurance
Provides protection for the conveyance of any allowable items or merchandise not prohibited by law from one location to another via inland, inter-island or sea.

Engineering Insurance
Ensures protection of civil, construction and installation works, production machineries, and electronically operated equipment. The types of insurance available are: